The schedule for course and laboratory dates are updated by Dr. Alkar on the course webpage. You are responsible for checking that webpage regularly and being aware of any changes made by the course supervisor. You can look up and see that we are going to perform the first experiment on 7th November,Monday at the simulation laboratory on the new side of department building. Since we have 60 computers available but 87 students registered for the course, we have to perform the experiment on two sections. First section is going to start at 09:30, Second section is going to start at 10:30. Distribution between sections will be as follows: If your student number is between 20772702(included) and 21229153(included), you are on 09:30 section, If your student number is between 21229172(included) and 32401016(included), you are on 10:30 section. Starting hours will be switched for following experiments(Exp #2, Exp #3 etc.) for the sake of fairness, since coming at early hours is not that easy on Mondays. Each section will take 45 minutes of time. There will be 15 minutes between sections to pack experiment kits and leave them as before. We may ask you to bring your launchpads in case of number of experiment kits being not enough for each section, this is to be determined before experiment. You need to study for both launchpad and experiment kits since you will run your preliminary work codes on launchpads at home but you may be asked to run the same or similar code on experiment kits with required modifications(port numbers and small register changes) during experiments. Preliminary Work Assignment for Experiment 1 has been uploaded to system. Good luck, Said