Personal Details
Dr. Işık Çadırcı
Faculty Member
Electrical Machinery Division Chair
Phone:(+90) (312) 297 7069
E-mail:cadirci {at}

Professional interests

Power Electronics, Electric Motor Drives

Academic degrees

Ph.D.:METU, Turkey (1994)
M.Sc.:METU, Turkey (1988)
B.Sc.:METU, Turkey (1987)


Outstanding Paper Award for 'Electrical Power Quality of Iron and Steel Industry in Turkey'
IEEE IAS, 10/2009
Prize Paper Award for 'Digital Control of Universal Telecommunication Power Supplies Using Dual 8-Bit Microcontrollers', Third Prze
IEEE IAS, 9/2007
Meritorious Paper Award for 'Power Quality Solutions for 12-Pulse Smelter Converters in ETİ Aluminium Works'
IEEE IAS, 9/2003
The 2000 Prize Paper Award for Power Systems Engineering for 'Self Excitation of Induction Motors by Permanently Connected Capacitors and Recommendation for IEEE Std 141-1993'
IEEE IAS, 9/2000
Resolution of Appreciation,
Power Conversion Intelligent Motion Conference, 5/1999
Resolution of Appreciation for 'Effects of Main Transformer Replacement on the Performance of an Electric Arc Furnace System'
Prof.Dr. Mustafa N. Parlar Eğitim ve Araştırma Vakfı, 1997-98 Akademik Yılı Tez Danışmanı Ödülü
Prof.Dr. Mustafa N. Parlar Eğitim ve Araştırma Vakfı, 1998-99 Akademik Yılı Tez Danışmanı Ödülü
Prof.Dr. Mustafa N. Parlar Eğitim ve Araştırma Vakfı, 1999-00 Akademik Yılı Tez Danışmanı Ödülü
Certificate of Appreciation
IEEE Metal Industry Committee, 9/1999
Meritorious Paper Award: 'Identification of Harmonic Current Contributions of Iron and Steel Plants Based on Time-Synchronized Field Measurements – Part II: Inside Plants'
IEEE IAS Metal Industry Committee tarafından verilen 'Meritorious Paper Award', 10/2013
Outstanding Paper Award: 'Correlation Between Multiple Electric Arc Operations and Unscheduled Power Flows in the Interconnection Lines at the Eastern Cross Border of ENTSO-E'
IEEE IAS Metal Industry Committee, 10/2016
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