
  • Download the Orcad  Evaluation version, containing both Schematics and PSpice for PCs.  Download (27.9 MB). A more up-to-date version can be downloaded from OrCAD



  • (Almost) Ideal Diode Model
    • idealdiode.lib -- If you're creating your circuit with the "Capture" tool, incorporate this library into "Capture" simulation as follows: Select 'PSpice->Edit Simulation Profile' and select 'Configuration Files' tab. Then select 'Library' item from the listbox on the left then type (or browse) the filename idealdiode.lib in the filename box (including the path to the file), and click 'Add to Design'. If you're creating your circuit using a standard textfile netlist, add the following lines to your file:

      D1 (node 1) (node 2) DIDEAL
      .lib idealdiode.lib

    • idealdiode.olb -- If you're creating your circuit with the "Capture" tool, incorporate this symbol library into "Capture" as follows: Select  'Place->Part'. Click on the 'Add Library' button, and then add the file idealdiode.olb. If you're creating your circuit using a standard textfile netlist, you do NOT need this file.


Example Netlists