2023-2024 Spring term open graduate courses and sections
Dept. code Course code and name Section code(s) T P C ECTS Supervisor(s)
357ELE698 Special Topics
357ELE699 Seminar0204
357ELE704 Optimization30310Dr. Cenk Toker
357ELE707 Electromagnetic Compatibility30310Dr. Birsen Saka
357ELE708 Numerical Methods in Electrical Engineering30310Dr. Yakup Özkazanç
357ELE715 Electric Motor Drive Systems30310Dr. Işık Çadırcı
357ELE719 Special Topics in Electronics 30310Dr. Dinçer Gökcen
357ELE724 Electromagnetic Wave Theory II30310Dr. Feza Arıkan
357ELE729 Special Topics in Electromagnetics30310Dr. Onur Külçe
357ELE734 Digital Communications II30310Dr. Emre Aktaş
357ELE736 Detection and Estimation Theory30310Dr. Berkan Dülek
357ELE770 Statistical Signal Processing30310Dr. Barış Yüksekkaya
357ELE785 Neural Networks30310Dr. Atila Yılmaz
357ELE797 Preparation for PhD Qualification Examination04230
357ELE798 Special Topics
357ELE799 Seminar22320
  • Dept: Department code. T: Theoretical hours, P: Practical hours, C: Local credit, ECTS: European Credit Transfer System's credit.
  • If the section codes are seperated by a hyphen (-) such as "21-23", the sections in between (ie. 22) are also present.
  • If the section codes are seperated by a comma (,) such as "21,23", the sections in between (ie. 22) are not present.
General Information | Course & Exam Schedules | Real-time Course & Classroom Status
Undergraduate Curriculum | Minor Program For Non-departmental Students | Open Courses, Sections and Supervisors | Weekly Course Schedule | Examination Schedules | Information for Registration | Prerequisite and Concurrent Courses | Legal Info and Documents for Internship | Academic Advisors for Undergraduate Program | Information for ELE 401-402 Graduation Project | Virtual Exhibitions of Graduation Projects | Erasmus+ Program | Program Educational Objectives & Student Outcomes | ECTS Course Catalog | HU Registrar's Office
Graduate Curriculum | Open Courses and Supervisors | Weekly Course Schedule | Final Examinations Schedule | Schedule of Graduate Thesis Defences and Seminars | Information for Registration | ECTS Course Catalog - Master's Degree | ECTS Course Catalog - PhD Degree | HU Graduate School of Science and Engineering