Courses to be opened in 2016-2017 summer term
June 5, 2017
The courses to be opened in 2016-2017 summer term in our department are listed below. The weekly course schedule can be seen under the EDUCATION menu title of this web site.
ELE 107 - Computers and Programming I
ELE 110 - Introduction to Electrical Engineering
ELE 214 - Electronics Laboratory I
ELE 230 - Electronics I
ELE 237 - Fundamentals of Digital Systems
ELE 401 - Graduation Project I
ELE 402 - Graduation Project II
FIZ 137 - Physics I
ING 111 - Integrated Skills I
ING 112 - Integrated Skills II
MAT 123 - Mathematics I
MAT 124 - Mathematics II
MAT 235 - Engineering Mathematics I
MAT 236 - Engineering Mathematics II