Research Projects
Dr. Işık Çadırcı's Projects (as owner or participant)
Supporter | Completed | Continuing | | Total |
HU Scientific Research Projects Unit | 6 | 1 | | 7 |
The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey | 2 | | | 2 |
Private Sector | 3 | 2 | | 5 |
Total: | 11 | 3 | 0 | 14 |
Projects suffixed by
* sign denote that the project supervisors are out of our department. Our staff contribute to these projects as researchers or advisors.
Title (in Turkish) | GaN Güç Tranzistörüne Dayalı Yüksek Güç Yoğunluklu Çift Aktif Köprü DA/DA Çevirgeç Tasarımı ve Gerçekleştirilmesi |
Title (in English) | Design and Implementation of a High Power Density Dual Active Bridge DC/DC Converter With GaN Power Transistors |
Supporter | HU Scientific Research Projects Unit |
Owner | Dr. Işık Çadırcı |
Participants | |
National/International | National |
Start date | December 2018 |
Completion date | September 2020 |
Status | Completed |
Title (in Turkish) | Güç Çevrim Teknolojisi Geliştirme İşi |
Title (in English) | Development of Power Conversion Technology |
Supporter | Private Sector |
Owner | Dr. Işık Çadırcı |
Participants | Şeyma Songül Özdilli Asım Reha Çetin |
National/International | National |
Start date | October 2020 |
Completion date | |
Status | Continuing |
Title (in Turkish) | 50 kWp Fotovoltaik Enerji Dönüşüm Sisteminin Süperkapasitör Enerji Depolama Sistemi ile Güç Regülasyonunun Gerçekleştirilmesi |
Title (in English) | Active Power Regulation of a 50 kWp Photovoltaic Energy Conversion System by Means of a Supercapacitor Energy Storage System |
Supporter | HU Scientific Research Projects Unit |
Owner | Dr. Işık Çadırcı |
Participants | Serkan Öztürk Asım Reha Çetin |
National/International | National |
Start date | January 2019 |
Completion date | |
Status | Continuing |
Title (in Turkish) | 22 Kw Araç Üzeri Şarjı Birimi İçin İzoleli DA – DA Çevirgeç Tasarımı ve Gerçekleştirilmesi |
Title (in English) | Isolated DC-DC Converter Design and Implementation for 22 kW On-Board Charger |
Supporter | Private Sector |
Owner | Dr. Işık Çadırcı |
Participants | Serkan Öztürk |
National/International | National |
Start date | September 2018 |
Completion date | |
Status | Continuing |
Title (in Turkish) | Yeni Nesil Yüksek Güç Yoğunluklu İzole 3.7 kW ve 10 kW DA-DA Çevirgeçleri Tasarımı ve Gerçekleştirilmesi |
Title (in English) | Design and Implementation of New Generation, 3.7 kW and 10 kW, High Density Isolated DC-DC Converters |
Supporter | Private Sector |
Owner | Dr. Işık Çadırcı |
Participants | Serkan Öztürk |
National/International | National |
Start date | May 2016 |
Completion date | December 2020 |
Status | Completed |
Title (in Turkish) | Metro ve Hafif Raylı Ulaşım Araçları İçin Süperkapasitör Depolamalı Frenleme Enerjisi Geri Kazanımı Sistemi Geliştirilmesi |
Title (in English) | Development of a Supercapacitor Energy Storage System for Braking Energy Recovery in Metro and Light Rail Transporation Vehicles |
Supporter | The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey |
Owner | Dr. Işık Çadırcı |
Participants | Mehmet Hakan Akşit Serkan Öztürk |
National/International | National |
Start date | October 2015 |
Completion date | October 2017 |
Status | Completed |
Title (in Turkish) | Çok Yüksek Güç Yoğunluklu Tek Fazlı GaN Evirgeç Tasarımı ve Geliştirilmesi |
Title (in English) | Design and Implementation of a Very High Power Density Single-Phase GaN Inverter |
Supporter | HU Scientific Research Projects Unit |
Owner | Dr. Işık Çadırcı |
Participants | Hüseyin MEŞE |
National/International | National |
Start date | July 2016 |
Completion date | July 2017 |
Status | Completed |
Title (in Turkish) | Çapraz Çevirgece Dayalı Fotovoltaik Enerji Dönüşüm Sisteminin İyileştirilmesi |
Title (in English) | Improvement of a Flyback Converter Based Photovoltaic Energy Conversion System |
Supporter | HU Scientific Research Projects Unit |
Owner | Dr. Işık Çadırcı |
Participants | Serkan Öztürk |
National/International | National |
Start date | |
Completion date | May 2016 |
Status | Completed |
Title (in Turkish) | Çapraz Çevirgece Dayalı Fotovoltaik Enerji Dönüşüm Sistemi Tasarımı ve Gerçekleştirilmesi |
Title (in English) | Design and Implementation of a Flyback Converter Based Photovoltaic Energy Conversion System |
Supporter | HU Scientific Research Projects Unit |
Owner | Dr. Işık Çadırcı |
Participants | Serkan Öztürk |
National/International | National |
Start date | |
Completion date | April 2016 |
Status | Completed |
Title (in Turkish) | Şebeke Bağlantılı ve Batarya Depolamalı 100 kVA Gücünde Özgün Bir Fotovoltaik Güç Kaynağı Araştırılması ve Prototip Sistem Geliştirilmesi - DA/DA Güç Çevirgecinin Tasarlanıp Geliştirilmesi |
Title (in English) | Research and Prototype Development of a New 100 kVA Grid Connected Photovoltaic Energy Conversion System With Battery Storage - Design and Implementation of the DC/Dcconverter |
Supporter | Private Sector |
Owner | Dr. Işık Çadırcı |
Participants | Serkan Öztürk |
National/International | National |
Start date | April 2013 |
Completion date | December 2015 |
Status | Completed |
Title (in Turkish) | 50 kWp Fotovoltaik Güneş Enerjisi Santrali Kurulumu |
Title (in English) | Implementation of a 50 kWp Photovoltaic Carport |
Supporter | HU Scientific Research Projects Unit |
Owner | Dr. Işık Çadırcı |
Participants | Serkan Öztürk |
National/International | National |
Start date | February 2014 |
Completion date | July 2014 |
Status | Completed |
Title (in Turkish) | Raylı Ulaşım Araçları İçin Dört Çeyrekte (4Q) Çalışan Giriş Çevirgeçlerini İnceleme ve Ön Tasarım Projesi |
Title (in English) | Investigation and Preliminary Design of Four Quadrant (4Q) Input Converters in Rail Transportation Systems |
Supporter | Private Sector |
Owner | Dr. Işık Çadırcı |
Participants | |
National/International | National |
Start date | July 2012 |
Completion date | September 2013 |
Status | Completed |
Title (in Turkish) | Türkiye Elektrik Sistemi'nde Güç Kalitesine Etki Eden Değişkenleri ve Güç Akışını İzleme, Problemlerin Tespiti, Değerlendirilmesi ve Karşı Önlemlerin Hayata Geçirilmesi (105G129 ana projenin 106G010 alt projesi) |
Title (in English) | Power Quality Analysis of the Electrical Transmission System of Turkey |
Supporter | The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey |
Owner | Dr. Umut Sezen |
Participants | Dr. Işık Çadırcı Dr. Ali Ziya Alkar Bünyamin Hastürk TÜBİTAK BİLTEN TEİAŞ ODTÜ DEÜ YTÜ |
National/International | National |
Start date | March 2006 |
Completion date | January 2010 |
Status | Completed |